Show, don’t tell

Last week, I attended the breakfast meeting of the local BNI chapter as an invited guest. I am an introvert and definitely not a morning person, so these types of early morning network meetings are very much out of my comfort zone. Luckily, BNI Lokeren Durmestad is a lively and welcoming bunch.

Eggs, bacon and a hairpiece

Still, I was happy to have my pitch ready, as us guests only had 1 minute to present ourselves and our business. I was pretty pleased with my ability to condense the full.stop consultancy and agency offer and put a verbal bow around it within one minute.

The real star of the morning, though, was Ingrid Berckmoes, owner of Altijd Mooi and the new LILBHair. She simply stood up, reached up to the top of her head and pulled out a hairpiece nobody realized she was wearing. While the crowd literally gasped, she quickly explained the benefits and while talking, put the piece back in. Without using a mirror and looking as perfect as she did before. Everything she could have said, we could see for ourselves. How beautiful, natural and seamless her hair looked. How safely the hairpiece was attached and how easily it could be put in and removed. I think just about everyone in the room was making a mental note to remember her name for future referrals. It is a beautiful product that will make men and women, often going through trying times, feel better about themselves.

Show, don’t tell

Aside from her product, Ingrid also demonstrated the power of simply showing something. Why try to convince your audience with words when they can just see it for themselves? Seeing is believing. Instant credibility and buy-in.  I know, we are all excited about what we do well and love to talk about it. But if you have a product that basically sells itself, focus on communication that showcases rather than promotes. Think video rather than brochures, live demonstrations rather than a PowerPoint. Or as fellow Shankminder and owner of The Mogul Mom Gabriella Ribeiro reminded us the other day: Show, don’t tell.


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